Stocks+ gives users the ability to create Portfolios to help organize their investments.
The Portfolio screen has two tabs: Day Values and Gains & Losses. Day Values shows the current price of the stocks in the portfolio plus any changes in price since the start of the day’s trading. Gains & Losses shows the stocks’ change in value compared to the purchase price that you set when adding the holding.
Tip: You can include an unlimited number of stocks in a portfolio. |
Day Values view:
- The stock symbol and full name of the stock (can be adjusted to show only the stock symbol. See: Compact Stock View)
- The current price of the stock
The stock’s price change from the day’s opening price. Can be shown as:
- % Change
- $ Change
Market cap
The stock’s change is highlighted in green for gains or red for losses. Tapping anywhere in the stock’s row opens its information page. |
Gains & Losses View
Available in this view are:
- the stock symbol and full name of the stock (can be adjusted to show only the stock symbol which allows more stocks to show in the list)
- The current price of the stock
- The stock’s change in value compared to the purchase price of the holding. Can be shown as:
- $ Total Gain
- % Total Gain
- % Day Gain
- $ Day Gain
The Edit Page
The Edit page is where most portfolio maintenance takes place. Actions that can be completed from the Edit page include:
- Sorting - Determines the sort order for the stocks in the portfolio. Can be set to % change, $ change, market cap, alphabetical, or custom. Stocks can be rearranged by dragging the 3-bar icon on the right side of their row until the desired position is achieved.
- Moving - Stocks can be moved from the Edit page by tapping the arrow in the stock’s row. From here a stock can be moved into any existing portfolio or a new portfolio can be created.
Alerts - Tapping the bell icon next to the stock symbol opens the Alerts page where Instant and Daily Stock Alerts can be set for the selected stock. Stocks with an active alert will have a blue bell icon.
- Delete This List - Delete the entire portfolio.
How to add a stock to a Portfolio
- Tap the Portfolio selection dropdown box at the top of the page.
Tap the +Add Stock button to the right of the destination portfolio.
If the stock is being added to the active portfolio, you can tap the + Add Stock button at the top of the page or at the bottom of the portfolio’s list of stocks.
- Type the stock symbol or the name of the company to search.
- Tap the stock in the search results. The stock will be added to the list and removed from the search results.
- Tap Done to return to the Portfolios list.
- Tap Done to return to the active portfolio.
How to delete a stock from a Portfolio
- Tap the Edit button above the stock list.
- Tap the red delete button next to the stock to be deleted.
Visual Guide
How to add a stock to a Portfolio
1. Tap the Portfolio selection dropdown box at the top of the page.
2. Tap the +Add Stock button to the right of the destination portfolio.
3. Type the stock symbol or the name of the company to search.
4. Tap the stock in the search results. The stock will be added to the list and removed from the search results.
5. Tap Done to return to the Portfolios list.
6. Tap Done to return to the active portfolio.
How to delete a stock from a Portfolio
1. Tap the Edit button above the stock list.
2. Tap the red delete button next to the stock to be deleted.
3. Tap Delete to confirm deletion.